Welcome to a Pretty Nice Life.
This will soon be a lifestyle blog covering topics like home, cooking and streamlining meal planning, simple but pretty crafts, hobbies, and DIY ideas, and inspiration and encouragement for you personally. As you can see, it’s pretty bare right now, but bear with me: the goal is to eventually make it a pretty nice place to stop and stay a while.
Over the past several years, I have been very focused on making a success of a different blog (on an unrelated topic), while maintaining other responsibilities in home and ministry life. It’s been a great time of growth!
However, I recently realized that because of that laser focus, I no longer do many of the things I used to enjoy so much.
This will be my place for all that, as I slowly re-add them to my life. Maybe you’ve heard of seasons of life? The season I’ve been in was very necessary and filled with great things, but I’m also really looking forward to moving into this next one.
Oh – and about the name of this blog… I wanted it to have room for pretty things and nice words, and I wanted it to be a lifestyle blog. So A Pretty Nice Life fits all that perfectly.
But I also knew I didn’t want it to be about chasing an imaginary perfection that we see so much in the online world. This isn’t a granite-countertops and gleaming stainless steel kind of place. (Which is fine if you have it, but I don’t.) Instead, think warm and homey, comfortable. (And if we get a new stainless fridge, you’ll be welcome to rummage through it.)
“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. ~ Proverbs 15:17”
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